Learn about Leon Panetta Net Worth, Biography, Age, Birthday, Height, Early Life, Family, Dating, Partner, Wiki and Facts.

Who is Leon Panetta:

Leon Panetta is a famous Politician. He was born on June 28, 1938 and his birthplace is Monterey, CA. Leon is also well known as, American politician who has served as a member of the House of Representatives, the Director of the CIA, and the Secretary of Defense. He was also the White House Chief of Staff during the Clinton Administration from 1994 to 1997.

Leon is originated from United States. He was succeeded by David Petraeus as the Director of the CIA.


Bio / Wiki
Full NameLeon Panetta
Date of BirthJune 28, 1938
Place of BirthMonterey, CA
Star SignCancer
CountryUnited States

Birthday, Age & Zodiac Sign:

Leon Panetta birthday is on 28-Jun-38 and he was born on Tuesday. He is now 85 years old. Leon sun sign is Cancer and his birth flower is Rose or Honeysuckle.

Birth date28-Jun
Day of BirthTuesday
Year of Birth1938
Birth SignCancer
Birth Sign DualityPassive
Birth Sign Modality & ElementCardinal Water
Opposite SignCapricorn

Height, Weight & Physical Stats:

Here is the Body measurement informations.

Bust – Waist – HipN/A
Hair ColorN/A
Eye ColorN/A
Shoe SizeN/A

Early Life and Family:

Before he was famous, He served in the US Army from 1964 to 1966 and received the Army Commendation Medal. His relationship status is single.

Family Information
Parents Name
Spouse NameN/A
Children Name
Number of Children(s)N/A
Partner NameN/A
Relative(s) Name


UniversitySanta Clara University

Leon Panetta Net Worth:

Leon Panetta net worth or net income is estimated to be between $1 Million – $5 Million dollars. He has made such amount of wealth from his primary career as Politician.

Net Worthbetween $1 Million – $5 Million
Annual SalaryN/A
Source of IncomePolitician
Verification Status of WealthUnverified

Dead or Alive?

According to wikipedia latest update, he is still alive.

Quick Facts:

Here are some interesting facts about Leon Panetta:

* As director of the CIA he was in charge of the U.S. military operation that led to Osama bin Laden’s death.

* Leon Panetta is an American politician, Secretary of Defense 2011–2013.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Why is Leon Panetta famous?He is famous for being a successful Politician.Where is he from?He is from United States.How tall is he?His height is Not available.How much does he earn?between $1 Million – $5 Million.Is he married?Single.How many children(s) does he have?N/A.

Reference : Wiki, StarsNetworths, Newspapers.
